Four podcasts featuring postsecondary stories, from parents’ point of views, were recorded during the Spring 2024 by TRAMPO partners. Produced by the Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi de l’Outaouais, these podcasts were broadcasted for the Semaine de la persévérance scolaire 2024.
They are offering a unique perspective on parents’ experiences with children going through postsecondary transition.
The 1st podcast (#65) is introducing the series; the 2nd one (#66) is featuring a parent living in a urban setting in Gatineau; the 3rd one (#67), a parent from the rural area of the Pontiac; and finally the 4th one (#68) is opening a window on immigration issues.
Balado CJEO Ép. 65. Regards de parents sur la transition postsecondaire (partie 1 : Introduction).
Balado CJEO Ép. 66. Regards de parents sur la transition postsecondaire (partie 2 : Milieu urbain).
Balado CJEO Ép. 67. Regards de parents sur la transition postsecondaire (partie 3 : Milieu rural)
Balado CJEO Ép. 68. Regards de parents sur la transition postsecondaire (partie 4 : Parent et enfant immigrant)