
The main objective of this project is to initiate a collaboration between the Cégep de l’Outaouais and the UQO in order to develop green strategies for the remediation and revitalization of brownfields / contaminated and abandoned sites in the cities and MRCs of the Outaouais region, to initiate pedagogical activities that promote the transition from Cégep to UQO and the success of students. These green bioremediation strategies will make these abandoned lands safe and therefore reusable for socio-economic and ecological purposes. The research project will be financially supported by research grants.

More specifically, the PESO will support the organization of information sessions promoting the Bachelor of Ecology and Environment (BEE) program at UQO to 2nd, 3rd and 4th semester CEGEP Nature Sciences students. These information and promotion sessions will be organized with the active participation of UQO students. These students will talk about their successful transition from CEGEP to UQO and present the contribution of this phytoremediation project to their studies at UQO.

Project lead and partners

Komi Jacques Egle, professor/researcher of biology at Cégep de l’Outaouais and lecturer in the Ecology and Environment program at UQO. With the collaboration of professors from UQO and Cégep de l’Outaouais.

Amount received from PESO

PESO has granted approximately $10,000 for a 0.1 FTE release for carrying out this project.

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