With the advent of digital technologies, the inter-institutional creaLAB Club enables students to equip themselves to meet the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution where artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual reality, 3D printing, etc. will be increasingly present in the working world and in their lives.
This club takes place in the Fablab des cégeps within the LABoite incubator of Cégep de l’Outaouais. It provides an opportunity for technologically creative students from all three institutions of higher learning to have a collaborative meeting place with digital technology experts on hand. Students are able to carry out various projects that are close to their hearts and even consider starting their own small business if they wish, since they can be mentored by LABoite, if need be.
Fablab staff also offer various training sessions on design thinking, 3D modeling, use of 3D printers, laser and vinyl cutting machines, digital embroiderers, etc.
Students can also participate in the various events that the Fablab organizes to encourage creativity among young people, such as a Christmas market, a spring market, and a final exhibition before the summer. These events are an opportunity for participants to showcase their work and raise funds for club activities.
In short, the creaLAB Club is an incubator for creative projects available to innovative students.
Project lead and partners
Sylvie Turnbull, deputy director of studies at Cégep de l’Outaouais (formerly director of LABoite), Mathieu Nerbonne Lachaine, director of Fabrique mobile and Francis Lance, project manager at Fabrique Mobile, with the collaboration of the PESO Entrepreneurship committee which includes student life representatives from Cégep de l’Outaouais, UQO and Cégep Heritage College.
Amount received from PESO
PESO has granted $9000 for carrying out this project in 2021-2022.